Railway Maintenance Equipment

SEPE is committed to maintaining a high level of supply of its products and services, making strategic and worldwide renewing partnerships, and is committed to maintaining a long-term business relationship with its customers and partners, always promoting the greatest and best customer satisfaction.

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Electric Vehicle for Maneuvering

Electric vehicle for maneuvering is a railroad vehicle whose propulsion comes from an electric motor, compact, simple to operate, whose purpose is to perform maneuvers in the workshop, and can be extremely essential with respect to work on moving rolling stock without the need for of allocating a maneuvering locomotive for this, this equipment is operated remotely over distances up to 400m, as well as with an operator directly, it has the capacity to tow up to 750T and a range of 10h according to its specifications

Portable Wheel Lathe

A portable computerized numerical control lathe for the rectification of wheelsets guarantees an efficient operation and with great precision in the realization of wheels rectification of the rolling material without necessarily having to remove the wheelsets, guaranteeing greater availability of the equipment, especially with regard to locomotives whose intervention process on the wheels requires more time, also saving maintenance costs, and can be applied to the axle load of 10 to 40 tons of locomotives.

Vehicle for Battery-powered Rail Failure Detection

This equipment is used to accurately detect a variety of defects and damages and the main types of defects include: Cross-section of the rail head caused by fatigue, crack in the holes of the rail for joint screws and horizontal crack in the mandible, horizontal crack of the core of the rail, longitudinal crack, transverse slit of the rail tab, etc. It should be noted that the battery-powered fault detection car must have 04 seats (four) and 150Km of autonomy, as well as the non-powered failure detection car (without batteries).